As Spinal Flow practitioners we are focused on the long term improvement of your structure and function rather than a quick fix band-aid approach. We do this by encouraging your body to get to the origin of your blockages and symptoms in a way that is gentle and not overwhelming to your system enabling it to create a new path of vitality, health through the nervous system .
The Spinal Flow Technique involves several key components:
Identifying Blockages: Practitioners learn to interpret bodily signals that manifest as pain or discomfort. These signals often indicate where stress is stored within the spine.
Releasing Stress: Through specific techniques, practitioners work to release these spinal blockages. This process encourages the body to restore its natural flow of Life Force Energy.
Restoring Energy Flow: Once blockages are released, energy can flow freely through every vertebrae in the spine and reach every cell in the body, promoting healing and balance.
Awakening Innate Intelligence: The technique emphasizes tapping into the body’s innate intelligence—the natural ability of our bodies to grow, repair, and heal themselves without external intervention.
The 7 Gateways of the spine
The 7 gateways of the spine reveal much about a person’s life and where they hold stress.
The Spinal Flow Technique aims to help the brain reconnect with the body and its experiences through the seven gateways of the spine and the 33 access points. This touch-based healing approach engages with an individual’s consciousness and functional anatomy, fostering trust for the body-mind to reconnect and integrate emotional, physical, and chemical stress.
The seven gateways of the spine offer a framework for understanding the body-mind connection, enabling a transformation from disconnection and stress to a state of peace and well-being.